Hair loss in men could be a serious problem. It not only changes the way you look but also lowers your confidence level and makes you feel less desirable.
Hair loss is one of the signs of aging, but there are people who can carry it off well and look good even if bald. But the major area of concern is hair loss at a young age, which definitely is not desirable. There are various causes that lead to early hair loss among men. Sometimes, it is a hereditary thing that leads to hair loss. Other causes would be your hectic schedules, work pressures, worries, hormonal changes, ignoring hair care, and lot of other things. In general, losing around 50–100 strands per day is normal, but anything beyond that should draw your attention towards that problem. Thankfully, there are infinite ways to replace the gone hair, ranging from natural remedies to hair transplants. Given below are a few natural hair loss solutions for men.
Many men swear by natural remedies to treat their hair loss problem because they are safe, do not cause side effects, and are easily available. Plus, natural remedies are less costly and effective as well.
• Oiling your hair daily. Create a mixture of castor oil, rosemary oil, olive oil, almond oil and coconut oil, in equal proportions. To this oil mixture, add nettle root (bright yellow in color). Nettle root is known to regenerate hair growth, and the other ingredients speed up the hair growth process.
• Stress management. Stress is considered one of the rare causes of hair loss. Practicing yoga or meditation every day or thrice a week would restore hormonal balance and boost hair growth.
• Vitamins. Vitamin A aids the production of sebum in the scalp, which is needed for hair growth, whereas vitamin E regulates blood circulation and stimulates the hair follicles’ productivity. Including vitamin-rich foods in your daily diet also works wonders for hair growth.
• Head massage. A head massage by a professional, twice a week, can also stimulate hair follicle back to life. The professionals actually know various points on your scalp, those when pressed or put through pressure can regulate blood circulation in that area and encourage hair growth.
• Hair care. Following a protein-rich diet, exercising regularly, trimming your hair when required, and getting a hair spa once a month or a head massage—all of it amounts to increase in blood circulation, which results in hair growth.
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